Winter Newsletter 2007

Dear Customers and Friends,

The recent transition for Artistic Revival has gone smoothly. As of October 1st, 2007, Canadian jewelery designer Kristi Cross, ( Nomi, handcrafted jewelery and gifts,
has brought her own unique style to the space that was formerly the Artistic Revival retail shop. The response to her sterling silver jewellery with precious and semi-precious stones has been fantastic.
She also carries other hand-crafted gifts including Kitras glass and Hilburn pottery for the holiday season.

I want to let you know that I am working on ideas for upcoming art shows to be held on the second floor ( Artspace 2 ) and creative workshops on the third floor ( Artspace 3 ) and I will keep you posted. You can also check the community board at Nomi's on the main floor.
I will also forward you information from local artisans with regards to their upcoming events.
On behalf of the over 60 Canadian artists that were show-cased at Artistic Revival over the past 12 years we thank-you for your support. It is really appreciated. When I reflect back I remember fondly all the great times we shared and the fun we had. I look forward to more great moments in 2008.

May you share the warmth of loving relationships over the holiday season and may your creative spirit soar in the year ahead.

I will leave you with this quote that I felt was appropriate at this time.
" You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love." ( Henry Drummond )

All the best,
Clare Bolton


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